what topics are of interest for you?

January 8, 2005 by Chris Charlton
You mention more DW tutorials/articles...what topics reguarding DW are of interest to you?
  • DW basics?
  • Intermediate DW?
  • Advanced DW?
  • Server-Model (PHP,ASP,.Net,ColdFusion,JSP) articles?
  • DW & Flash articles?
  • more CSS articles?
  • Graphic & Design articles?
  • Other studio suite software articles (FW,FH,Contribute)?

RE: what topics are of interest for you?

January 8, 2005 by Sidney Rippetoe
Advanced would be excellent!
  • Advanced DW!
  • Server-Model (PHP) articles!(DW)
  •   This is what I would prefer, considering that PHP is opensource and is extremely effective. Since I suggest the "Advanced" tutorials, most of these could be related to building web applications. And I do know I am not alone when asking for this type of information. Designers, authors, and web gurus alike would find these type of tutorials very useful. With the power of DW(*) PHP and MySQL there really isn't any limits to hope far a web application can go. Or PHP and MySQL and DW(*) for that matter. If any specifics, I would have to reply later after thinking about what I need.    

    RE: what topics are of interest for you?

    January 9, 2005 by Sidney Rippetoe
    K, I got an easy one for you, but useful. I have a "Add Content" page which add infor/articels or whatever to the MySQL database, and want the success message sent to the Admin section instead of a success page. How can this be done wiht out just writting in the message in the Admin section. Maybe a hidden form will be needed. Can you help me with that?  

    RE: RE: what topics are of interest for you?

    January 9, 2005 by Chris Charlton
    I understand the "Add Content" messaging posting, but I don't think this comments section is good for that. Generate a forum thread; maybe someone might pickup your request and create a article series to facilitate it fully. It seems that you are familar with hand coding and wish to utilize DW more effectively with custom code, correct?