Free! - mini review of Flash MX 2004 for Rich Internet Applications

From the back cover

With the release of Macromedia Flash MX 2004, the promise of a rich, single-interface application to control and display data is a reality. No longer do you have to build multiple pages, but instead you can give your users access to dynamically generated data in a highly interactive and compelling experience. It's time to stop building individual pages and start building applications.


In Macromedia Flash MX 2004 for Rich Internet Applications, Philip Kerman teaches you to build rich Internet applications. He walks you through the entire process in easy-to-understand steos and shows you how to;

  • Design workable data structures to make data management easier, including the dataProvider object
  • Understand the practical uses for the Local Connection object and Local Shared objects, including how they apply to Macromedia Central
  • Use Flash Remoting and the new SOAP/XML support for web services
  • Exploit Version 2 Components, as well as Flash MX Professional 2004 Data Components
  • Make the most of Flash Communication Server
  • Create commands and custom panels with Flash's new extensibility language (JSFL and XML to UI)
  • Plus you'll learn about quality assurance, debugging and building a reusable code library.

About the Author

Philip Kerman is an independent programmer, teacher, and writer specializing in Macromedia products. He has a degree in Imaging and Photographic Technology from the Rochester Institute of Technology. His most involved Flash application to date is Superior Stampede's real-time cattle auction (, which sells millions of dollars worth of cattle every hour. Philip is also the author of Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Flash MX 2004 in 24 Hours from Sams Publishing and ActionScripting in Macromedia Flash MX from New riders.

Who should buy this book?

If you are an intermediate Flash developer and you want to improve your programming skills to develop rich internet applications, this book is a great addition to your bookcase. Advanced developers can get good ideas from the book as well. The book is not meant for designers or people who want to focus on object oriented programming.

The book says what it does, it delivers you the knowledge to create RIA's with Flash. The detail and number of the code examples are great. However there are some code errors in the book. The layout is clear and the book covers a lot of ground so all in all it's a book that's well worth reading.



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