Dreamweaver 8: Under the Hood

Welcome back to our 15 part tour of Dreamweaver 8.  In the first part, we introduced you to the program and took a look at the changes in Design View.  While it looks basically like Dreamweaver MX 2004 on the surface, there are some big differences and I don’t just mean performance, although it is greased lightning in comparison. 

This article is part of the new interactive e-book; Dreamweaver Crystal Gazer: The Power Of Dreamweaver 8 

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In Part Two, we take you “Under the Hood” for a look at the changes in Code View. This article will give you a detailed look at the new Coding Toolbar that puts all the most important tools right next to your coding workspace.  We’ll explore how the new Code Collapse works.  I guarantee thrills and amazement with this one!  As well as the end of an independent code editor in most cases.

Then we’ll talk about improvements to the way code is rendered and improvements to code hinting and finally, a new feature called File Compare which is a very handy tool for debugging code.  We’ll also suggest a few programs you might wish to consider for making the comparison, some free and some commercial.

This will be the last in the “general” articles.  Starting with Part 3, we’ll spend the first part of the article discussing the feature or features in depth and the last half working in our continuing case study.  We will create a web site using the new features of Dreamweaver 8 so by the time you have worked your way through the entire series, you will have a good grasp of the new program and how it works.

Nancy Gill

In early 1996, Nancy Gill picked up her first book on HTML and permanently said goodbye to the legal field. She has been busy ever since developing web sites for businesses, organizations and social groups in Central California and occasionally beyond. Nancy has served as a member of Team Macromedia since late 2001, first with UltraDev and then moving to Dreamweaver when the programs were consolidated in 2002. She also serves as Assistant Manager for the Central California Macromedia User's Group.
Nancy is the co-author of Dreamweaver MX: Instant Trouble-Shooter and technical editor for several Dreamweaver and Contribute related books, including the well-known Dreamweaver MX 2004: A Complete Reference. She also penned the first ever Contribute article for Macromedia's Own Devnet "Getting Up to Speed with Contribute in 10 Minutes".

Nancy has three children, two in college and one in high school. Offline, she enjoys various sporting activities, is a wild NFL football fan and sings in the church choir.

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