Using Universal CSS Navigation Menu as an Included File in DW Template

October 18, 2011

Create a php based template using the Universal CSS Navigation Menu as an included file

In today's video tutorial we will show you how to create a PHP based template using the Universal CSS Navigation Menu so that you can easily modify your menu in a single file and then include this file into any page, where you need it. So you won't have to open every page on your site to alter each instance of that menu. Instead of this you can use this template and control the menu from one location.

The Story


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Daniela Vaseva

Daniela VasevaDaniela is writing tutorials, news, newsletters, and update emails for the DMXzone specialising in the sphere of electronic processing, analysis and publication of texts, and interested in the development of new Internet technologies and problems related to the cyberculture and net literature. She has a bachelor's degree in Bulgarian philology, and a master's degree in computational linguistics.

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Good tutorial but...

October 25, 2011 by John Cavanagh

...isn't this what Dreamweaver's "Library" items are for? For years now I have created navigation as a Library element and only have to edit that Library item once for sitewide changes. HTML or PHP, Dreamweaver will insert and update that item into either file extension. What is the advantage of doing this the way it is shown in the tutorial?

RE: Good tutorial but...

October 26, 2011 by Teodor Kuduschiev

Hello John,

This is what is called SSI.

Definition: SSI stands for Server Side Include and means that you can include a file as part of your document while still on the server before it is executed and before the data reaches the client. One reason for doing this is that often data such as a header, footer, navigation are repeated in many places on the site. Using SSI allows these to each be stored in only one place, and thus only updated in one place when changes are made.

There are many clients of ours asking how to use our Universal CSS Navigation Menu as a SSI in PHP, that's why we've created the tutorial.

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