Put Users in Control With Confirmation Feedback Buttons

Make your users feel that they are in control

This tutorial will teach you how to create a responsive web page with buttons which take on different states depending on the user’s interaction. This type of interaction is especially useful on links such as “purchase” or “delete” where it’s wise to confirm that the user indeed wants to take a specific action. This interaction is one that many are familiar with; you can see a similar effect in Apple’s app store when purchasing apps.


Computers never do anything without you first instructing them. This is where the importance of good software and UI design enters the picture. Good UI design gives users a comprehensible sense of power that consistently helps them feel in control. They’ll never ask “wait why did that happen?” or “wait how did I get here?” You can convey a sense of control to the user by communicating insights to them with each interaction. Help them understand cause and effect in the system. To use a basic example, if you save something, the system will give you a positive message saying “your settings have been saved”. Thus, users will never question “I wonder if that was saved?”


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