Practical Tips For Using LESS

Practical tips to overcome different challenges in LESS

There is a fair amount of subjective advice in this article. Many things that Daniel Pataki will be discussing have to do with methodology as opposed to rules and regulations of a language. Variables, mixins, functions and the nesting in LESS should all be familiar and you should have at least some hands on knowledge of LESS. He will show you how he organizes files and create mixins, but there could be other, better, ways of doing things. 


Organizing your files is always extremely important, very much so for LESS as well. Daniel Pataki usually creates a ‘styles’ folder in his main project directory where he stores all the styles required for that project. So what happens if your project requires you to include css files from multiple locations? The best way to make your life easy is to use a tool like Winless or CodeKit. These tools allow you to compile different files to different locations. This allows you to keep all your style files in one location while actually compiling them to different folders across your projects.


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