UI Design Guidelines for Responsive Design

UI guidelines and tips to consider when designing a website to make it responsive

The web development community has come up with endless solutions, best practices, and tools for coding a responsive design with ease. While the vast majority of websites can be made responsive now, it’s time to push the envelope further. It’s easy to pay attention to great coding best practices, but sometimes the best design practices for various screen sizes get pushed aside. Many resources on responsive design cover the basics. With various screen sizes coming out each day, and even the big players like Apple switching things up with the new iPad mini, you need to evolve the way you think about design and the user experience as well.


Tablets are becoming more popular everyday, and as prices go down and more brands come about, there is a strong possibility that their popularity will only continue to grow. Many do not believe this is a short-lived trend, but a new permanent way of interacting with the web. Because of this, you must learn to not treat websites optimized for tablets as “second best” to their desktop counterparts, but instead, as a separate and equally important web experience for users. One of the biggest features of tablets that you must accommodate for is that fact that they are touchscreen. This requires a whole new approach to the way you design, because it is an entire to approach to how users interact with websites.


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