HTML5 3D Flipping Gallery 2 Manual Support

Custom, polaroid-like stunning galleries

HTML5 3D Flipping Gallery 2 is the perfect solution if you are looking for to create a polaroid-like image gallery. It features CSS 3D transforms for native 3D in browsers that support the new CSS properties. You can drag your images all over the screen, give them titles and add descriptions. Take advantage of the built in hardware acceleration for mobile devices that gives you the maximum performance and greatest experience.

The extension has integrated DMXzone Image Resizer and also you can set the width and height for the gallery container, set the rotation for the images and their order of appearance. Along with the great HTML5 Data Bindings integration, you can also use DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP and create dynamic slideshows with ease.

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*New marks features, not available in the older version

  • NEW: Great integration with HTML5 Data Bindings - Supply the images, titles, descriptions, links and size for the HTML5 3D Flipping Gallery 2 from HTML5 Data Bindings local file or public feed.

  • NEW: 64bit Dreamweaver support - HTML5 3D Flipping Gallery 2 runs smoothly even on the latest 64bit update of Dreamweaver CC 2014.
  • NEW: Advanced mobile support - The HTML5 3D Flipping Gallery 2 comes with awesome mobile support and now your slideshow looks great and loads super-fast on any mobile device.

  • Amazing Flip effects -Choose the flip effect to be triggered on hover or on mouse click, as well as the type of flip effect, direction, rotation angle and the depth of 3D perspective.

  • Shuffle and randomize images - Randomize the order of the images and shuffle them among the gallery container.
  • CSS 3D Transforms for native 3D in the browsers - The flip and zoom effect do not execute in browsers that don’t support the new CSS properties.
  • CSS3 Transforms on mobile devices - Take advantage of the built in hardware acceleration that gives you the maximum performance and greatest experience.
  • Fully draggable gallery - You can drag your images all over the screen.

  • Title and description for each image - A cool title and description can be displayed as additional image info. You can also use various HTML tags such as link, image, span, heading, div and more...

  • Add clickable links to your gallery - You can add link to every image of you gallery in its description. 

  • Timed transitions on zoom - You can specify the duration of the zoom transition.

  • Gallery width and height - Set the size of the container where the HTML5 3D Flipping Gallery 2 will be placed in.
  • Live preview of the gallery in Dreamweaver - With a single click on the Live button you can see a preview of your complete gallery.

  • Integrated DMXzone Resizer - Now resizing all your images super fast to a regular size for the gallery and bigger size for display the image in DMXzone Lightbox 2.

  • Great Dreamweaver Integration - Interactive dialog in Dreamweaver with all the options you’ll need.

  • An inline property inspector -  The property inspector enables you to change several options after you’ve created the gallery.

  • Full Support for the DMXzone Behavior Connector - You can easily bind other DMXzone extensions to your gallery.



Type: Behavior
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6, Dreamweaver CC+
Screen Shot: External link


Version 2.0.1

  • Improved compatibility with Dreamweaver CC 2015

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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