Kermy's Check Value against DB

ASP/VbScript Server Model
Checks to see if the specified value exists in a database table already.
Similiar to Check New Username but works with Inserts,Updates and Posts.

Documentation and example at

If you are using this for just a form submission without a recordset, please make sure that you have an "include file" pointing to the connection your are going to use at the top. 

The extension will be fixed to do this automactically in the new version.  But, as for now doesn't put one in automatically. :-)


UI Access

UI Access:
Extension can be found under Server Behaviors > Kermy7803 > Kermy's Check DB.


Type: Server Behavior
Product: Dreamweaver MX
Server Model: ASP VBScript
Platform: Win XP/2000/2003/2008/7
Browser: IE 4, IE 5, IE 5.5, IE 6, Netscape 6

Anthony Brown

Began my career in the I.T. industry at age 20 as Small Computer Specialist in the U.S. Marine Corps.
I've worked at Hewlett Packard, Enron Wind Corporation, Benchmark Networking, and the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves.
I started developing websites about 5 years ago and I went dynamic (ASP development) approximately 3 years ago.

See All Postings From Anthony Brown >>


Error on numeric fields

February 4, 2003 by Pablo SanJuan

There is an error when checking numeric fields ; in de code the error apear in the SQL statement.

Can you fix it?


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