Poll - How To create one?

Following pages will help beginners to create  a poll voting system. There are two main sections and first one is a Poll tutorial and second one is introduction into a  Poll Voting System.
You don't need to have excesive knowledge of handcoding or database to create a simple poll. Just follow the instructions and if you get stuck feel freee to e-mail me.
You can also visit Poll Voting System 1.0 help site.

Have fun

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Poll access procedure

June 28, 2001 by a t
when I try to do the relationships, the type of the relationship is one to one, how can I change to one-to-many. 

This web poll

August 13, 2001 by Andrew Watson

This SHOULD be a usefull tpoic...

However the tutorial is very hard to follow, in some places nonsensical.

Where did the file connVote.asp come from???? eh? The downloaded package doesnt include this.

if i include Poll.asp (as it says) it is blank.

As for the administration pages they are not anywhere.

It is just so unclear


Thanks anyway

Has anyone actually got this to work?

September 14, 2001 by Darren Line

Whenever I test my pages, I get no errors, nor no poll!

I have specified dates in before and after today, so that I know the poll should appear.  But no joy.

Does it use American date format?  Or does it not matter.

The reason it is not working right

October 10, 2001 by Bryan Who
He gives you just enough to get you interested this is the guy who is selling all of his Exensions.  He is wanting you to buy his poll extension if you look he tells you of the same pages on his site and the rest I believe is suppose to to bedone by the extension
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