ASP.NET Dynamic Depandant Lists

ASP.NET Dynamic Dependant Lists is an extension for creating JavaScript Dynamic Dependant DropDownLists and ListBoxes based on data stored in a Database, it is compatible with Dreamweaver DataSets as well as standard System.Data.DataSets.

It supports the creation of a Dependant Lists hierarchy as deep as required and has been tested with the current versions of Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla and Opera browsers.


UI Access

To insert the server control use the buttons provided on the WebXeL tab of the Insert bar.


Type: Server Behavior
Product: Dreamweaver MX
Server Model: ASP.NET C#, ASP.NET VB
Browser: IE 5, IE 5.5, IE 6, Netscape 6, Mozilla 1.0, Opera 6

Kevin Marshall

Kevin MarshallI live in Perth, Scotland and am senior programmer with Ltd. I have been involved in computer programming since 1990, web based programming using ASP since 1997 and have been building ASP.NET applications since ASP.NET Beta 2 was released.

I have been an avid Dreamweaver user since Version 1 was launched and with the release of MX have moved into developing extensions. WebXeL run a website dedicated to the development of free and commercial Dreamweaver MX extensions for ASP.NET, the site can be found at

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