

Creating the month.php Page

Changing the Page Title

Adding a Page Heading

Creating the Hits per Day Table

Adding custom functions to the dataFunctions.php include File

dataHitsPerDay() – Reads the number of hits per day for a particular month from the database

dataVisitorsPerDay() – Reads the number of visitors per day for a particular month from the database

dataPagesPerDay () – Reads the number of pages per day for a particular month from the database

daysFillBlanks () – Creates a list of consecutive day results

Adding the HTML

Creating the Hits by Operating System Table

The User Agents Field

Modifying the dataFunctions.php include file

Adding the HTML and PHP

Creating the Hits per Browser Table

Creating the Hits by Spiders / Bots table

What are Spiders / Bots?

Adding the HTML and PHP Code

Expanding the System
