Protecting Your Windows Computer – Free Resources Support

These days, running a computer that's connected to the internet is more likely to end in tears than doing splits naked over a live lobster, especially if you've got broadband. Worms, Trojans, Viruses, script kiddies – there's loads of dangers that can inconvenience you, or even worse – wreck your computer and damage your livelihood. And it's not just protecting your computer from attacks; there's also the problem of protecting your privacy from spy-ware etc.


This free article looks at free programs which help protect against pop-up windows, spyware, tracking cookies, viruses, unauthorised connections to the web and external intrusion attempts.


It's a hard business keeping your computer safe, secure and happy on the wild west of the web. But you can increase your chances of being nasties-free, without harming your wallet, using the programs I've detailed above. Bear in mind, these are free programs and may not continue to be updated and developed by their creators – or may indeed cease to be free. Good luck, and stay computer-healthy!

Bruce Lawson

I'm the brand manager of glasshaus, a publishing company specialising in books for web professionals. We've a series for dreamweaver professionals - the dreamweaver pro series.

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