The JavaScript News Ticker Support

When the web was born, web authors inevitably put up some pretty cheesy web sites. When JavaScript was born, cheese rose to heights unimagined! The news ticker is one of those things of which I’m not sure belongs in the cheese category or not. It can be a useful little tool to draw attention to the latest headlines.

One such ticker can be seen at the BBC News web site, over at I think the nice thing about the ticker is that it is done in a tasteful manner. It doesn’t dominate the page. Each news piece is a link to that story, and it doesn’t use any real cheesy effects to draw undue attention to it.

Each title stays around long enough so it doesn’t get annoying. With these things in mind, it seems like it could be a nice addition to a web site. So let’s tear it apart, build it back up again in our patented simplified manner and make use of it!

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