Stylesheets for all Occasions Support

Just starting out with CSS and wondering what all the fuss is about?

If so, then this article by Matt Machell might help you out. Here Matt will show you how a change of stylesheet can make the same file of marked up text have a very different look. Of cause it's not just an aesthetic point, different stylesheets can help customize your presentation for different types of media and users with varying requirements.

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Matt Machell

Matt MachellA man of many talents, Matt has been a web designer, technical editor, and jewellery picker. He is currently on contract for the Birmingham City University, producing pages for research centres.

He has tech-edited a dozen books on web design and development for glasshaus, Apress and Sitepoint.

He likes music with loud guitars and games with obscure rules.

His website can be found at:

He lives in Birmingham with his girlfriend, Frances, and a horde of spider plants.

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