Transforming a table based layout into valid XHTML/CSS Support

As we know, XHTML and CSS should help us to; reduce load times and bandwidth costs, ease maintenance and associated costs and ensure compatibility with newer browsers and web browsing user agents.

But what happens when we've got an existing web site – it's all laid out just so, but it's not in valid CSS/XHTML and, worse than that, there are TABLES everywhere?

Well, Michael Koch's put together a nice sample project here that will show us step-by-step how to take a table-based multi search engine site and convert it into valid XHTML/CSS markup. The article is accompanied by a resource file to help you replicate the venture.

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Michael Koch

Michael KochMy name is Michael Koch and I am an IT freelance consultant mainly working in the area of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (SAP R/3) and eCommerce solutions.

My areas of interest are webdesign standards, eCommerce and portal applications.

I live near Birmingham, England and can also be contacted via my own website

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