Advanced HTML Editor 2 Manual FAQs Support

Add cross browser, great looking fully visual html editor to your sites

Enrich your forms with a fully customizable Online HTML Editor. Build your own CMS in minutes with Advanced HTML Editor 2! Let your users create formatted content without having to know HTML! You can make the editor fit your design by choosing from several predefined designs, add your own style sheets for formatting of the text and more.

Advanced HTML Editor Version 2 is cross browser compatible and offers many new improvements!

This product is Discontinued! Please, get Advanced HTML Editor 3.



Features Highlight

  • Works like a Word Processor
  • Exceptional Browser support
  • New: Extensive XSS and script cleaning
  • Universal undo/redo handling
  • Visual preview facility for fonts, size and styles
  • Fully Customizable Toolbar 
  • Full Support for DMXzone Lightbox options in the link dialog
  • Display editor dialogs in stylish popups made with DMXzone Tooltips
  • Add Google Analytics tracking options in the link dialog
* For complete Features overview press the Features in Detail button

Extended HTML Editor Demo

The demo will give you an impression of what can be achieved with Extended HTML Editor Bundle that combines Advanced HTML Editor 2, Advanced Tooltips and DMXzone Lightbox extensions.


Features in Detail

  • Exceptional Browser support
    The latest version of the editor supports Safari 4+, Chrome, Internet Explorer 6+ and Firefox 2+ other browsers will offer a regular textarea instead.

  • New: Extensive XSS and script cleaning
    All vulnerable malicious scripts are removed before submitting so that you end up with clean JavaScript code

  • New: Clean Code
    Enhanced XHTML and HTML formatting and cleaning. Word code is cleaned up as well.

  • Universal Enter Handling
    Choose if you want to use <P> or <BR> tags when the user presses enter in the editor


  • Universal undo/redo handling
    Undo and redo your changes to correct mistakes.

  • Light weight
    The editor is just over 50kb and loads fast

  • Works with Dmxzone's lastest upload and image resize extensions
    Now works with Pure ASP Upload 3, Pure PHP Upload 2 for uploading files and Smart Image Processor ASP 2 and Smart Image Processor PHP 2 for enhancing and resizing your images.

  • Visual preview facility for fonts, size and styles.

  • Full International Support
    Translation of the interface is automatically loaded depending on the user browser! Build in support for: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Danish, Dutch, Portuguese, Norwegian  and Swedish!

  • Fully integrated with Dreamweaver
    The editor is fully visually integrated in Dreamweaver by showing the editor with its own Properties panel where you can choose to add or take away features by the click of a button. You can add an image upload with a preview and a resize image application - just like the HTML editor you are used to on DMXzone! Note: You need the Pure Upload and Smart Image Processor extensions to allow the upload and resize of images.

    Full visual presentation in design view of Dreamweaver:

  • Works like a Word Processor
    The Online HTML editor works just like a word document. Type in the words and change the format through buttons.

  • Copy and Paste from MS Word or any Web page
    This is a way cool feature - just copy and paste from MS Word - then click on the Word cleaner icon and you will get all the content as it was in Word but then with a clean html formatting. You can also copy and paste from any web page and preserve all the layout and images!

  • Fully Customizable Toolbar
    The Advanced HTML Editor toolbar is fully customizable! You can use the visual property inspector to switch on only the options you want and switch off the one you don't need.

  • Multiple Skins available
    Customize the editor anyway you want! Now you can choose from 8 different Skins to suite your needs.

  • Full integration with Pure ASP/PHP/ASP.NET Upload extensions for uploading imagesLet users upload images. You need to have the Pure ASP/PHP/ASP.NET Upload extension installed for this feature.

  • Use the Smart Image Processor to limit image sizesNow resize the uploaded images. You need to have the Smart Image Processor installed for this feature.

  • Integrated with the standard Dreamweaver insert/update record behaviorsThis extension works with the standard insert/update record behaviors in Dreamweaver for easy database integration.

  • Let your users create formatted content without having to know any HTML code
    Type in any content and with the push of a button change the font to bold, italic, etc. Change the font size and color.

  • XHTML Compatible
    The Advanced HTML Editor produces html code that is XHTML compliant!

  • CSS Styles Support
    The Advanced HTML Editor picks up all the CSS styles used on the pages where the editor is on and offers them as choice to the user!
NOTE: For full functioning image upload and resize make sure you have the latest versions of the extensions:

-- for ASP:
  Pure ASP Upload 2+ and Smart Image Processor ASP version 1+
-- for ASP.NET:  Pure ASP.NET Upload version 2+ and Smart Image Processor ASP.NET version 1+
-- for PHP:
  Pure PHP Upload version 2 + and Smart Image Processor PHP 1+


Advanced HTML Editor 2 Demo

Get an impression of what Advanced HTML Editor 2 can do. Click on the image below and enter any text with formatting and click on the Submit button to see the result. You also be able to upload images in this demo, images will be resized to a max size of 300x300.



Richard Mariner shows you how to use Advanced HTML Editor 2 to add and edit articles on your website. You can add your own text, images and markup editing your website has never been this easy!

Watch the Video read more

Download the free 20 page tutorial on building a password-protected Content Management System using Dreamweaver server behaviours and Advanced HTML Editor!


Type: Suite
License: Read now >>
Product: Dreamweaver MX 2004, Dreamweaver 8, Dreamweaver CS3, Dreamweaver CS4, Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6
Browser: IE 6, IE 7, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 9.5, Safari 3, Chrome 9+, IE 8, Safari 4+
Screen Shot: External link
Tags: html,editor,dreamweaver


Version 2.0.11

What's new:

  • Full Support for DMXzone Lightbox options in the link dialog
  • Display editor dialogs in stylish popups made with DMXzone Tooltips
  • Add Google Analytics tracking options in the link dialog


  • Improved Safari and Chrome support
  • Fully restyled and improved link, image and other dialogs
  • Images and links are now autoselected after insertion
  • Rewritten color picker to be javascript generated
  • Added support for the latest Smart Image Processor ASP 2.5.5 (it is required now)
  • Now all bold/italic and underline styles are done with css styles
  • Rewrote image link dialog for improved parameter handling
  • Improved toolbar buttons styling
  • Improved linking & selection of images
  • Safari image selection improvements
  • Improved CMS integration
  • Fixed showing initially html codes on Safari and Chrome
  • Added compressed version - now minified with YUI
  • Fixed char popup insert in IE
  • Fixed images with links support on safari
  • Fixed image replacements with links
  • Improved cleanup of the Apple-style-span class only not the whole span

Version 2.0.9

  • Extensive XSS and script cleaning - all vulnerable malicious scripts are removed before submitting so that you end up with clean JavaScript code
  • Improved Word code cleaning

Version 2.0.7

  • Improved enter handling in Firefox,
  • Insert and update images in Safari now possible (also with the Addon Gallery)

Version 2.0.6

  • Exceptional Browser support, the editor now supports Safari 3, Opera 9.5, Internet Explorer 6+ and Firefox 2+
  • Universal enter handling; choose if you want to use <P> or <BR> tags when the user presses enter in the editor
  • Major improvement in load times; we've updated the interface to load faster, so it only has to load one image instead of 27 separate icons
  • The script has been greatly optimized and compressed so it just over 50kb now
  • Now works with Pure ASP Upload 3 for uploading files and Smart Image Processor ASP 2 and PHP 2
  • Greatly improved Dreamweaver Integration
  • Improved Installer, Dreamweaver CS4 compatibility
  • Compatible with the DMXzone Updater


Update Procedure

  1. If you use the AddOns for Advanced HTML Editor 2, install the addon first then (re)-install the latest version of Advanced HTML Editor 2.
  2. Please remove the previous version completely in Extension Manager and then install the new version.

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

See All Postings From George Petrov >>


Worth the upgrade!!

November 10, 2004 by Rene Bandsma
Really great this new version! Very cool and awesome that users can see the CSS and Fontstyles directly from the pop-up menu!

Another great feature is that this will work on Firefox as good as on IE. And if you get in mind how Firefox is growing...

And, of course, many things are better and it looks that is is faster than ever before! A really 'must-have update'!

Advanced HTML Editor 2.0.4 update.

July 29, 2005 by John Ashton
At last George is giving us a free update to this great product. Now I have a simple question having been burnt by 2.0.2 -> 2.0.3.
Can anyone tell me how to go about installing the FREE 2.0.4 update? I have 2.0.3 installed. Do I un-install that first?

RE: Advanced HTML Editor 2.0.4 update.

July 29, 2005 by George Petrov
You can just install it over the previous version. Then restart DW, complete the install wizard, restart again. Update your pages that use the editor by opening them in Dreamweaver, making a minor change and saving the page. You will see an alert telling you that the Script files have been updated. Make sure you upload the files to the live site

Version 2.0.6 update

June 18, 2008 by Michael Blankenberg

HTML style Enter handling: simple but very usefull!
Saves me the time and effort to explain users to use Shift-Enter for a breaking rule <br>.


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