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Adobe Illustrator Tutorial: Create a Simple Map Illustration

In the following Adobe Illustrator tutorial you will learn how to create your very own simple vector map illustration. First, Andrei Mariu will build the starting shapes using pixel perfect alignment, some basic vector shape building techniques along with a bunch of warp effects. Then he will put on the finishing touches. Then add the colors along with some simple effects and highlights to give it that final bit of character.

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Creating Complex Style Illustrations: A Process

Learn the process of making a tribal-style illustration using only some fundamental techniques in Adobe Illustrator. This is more of a process overview than a play-by-play tutorial and thus, some basic skills in the program are needed in order to follow along. The main goal here is to show a workflow process, and from there, it’s up to you to add your own style and aesthetic preferences to your piece.

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Custom Animation Banner with jQuery

In today’s tutorial Mary Lou will be creating a custom animation banner with jQuery. The idea is to have different elements in a banner that will animate step-wise in a custom way. She will be using the jQuery Easing Plugin and the jQuery 2D Transform Plugin to create some nifty animations. Just choose your images and lets get started. Read More

Create an Interactive Liquid Metal Ball with WebGL

Making websites is tons of fun, but sometimes you need to break free and do something a bit unusual. That’s what Paul Lewisis will be doing today. He’ll be using the excellent Three.js engine to create an interactive metallic ball. As you click and drag the ball distorts and then slowly settles back to its original shape. To do this he’ll be covering spring physics, 3D vectors and ray casting all in an effort to create a compelling and fun interactive experience.

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Tips for Designing a Compact Website Layout

In this guide Jake Rocheleau would like to share some of the most common tips when designing for mobile screens. The web is a fluid beast constantly changing with the times. You have to limit your knowledge of building for desktop browsers in exchange for newer compact designs. The learning process is devious but after a bit of practice you’ll pickup mobile design very quickly.

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Mobile UI Design Patterms: 10+ Sites for Inspiration

User interface design patterns are solutions to common design challenges, such as navigating around an app, listing data or providing feedback to users. Mobile apps and sites have unique UI design requirements because, compared to their desktop counterparts, they’re used in smaller screens and, at least with today’s modern mobile devices, rely on fingers instead of a keyboard and mouse as input mechanisms.

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5 Rally Useful Responsive Web Design Patterns

Responsive web design requires a very different way of thinking about layout that is both challenging and exciting. The art of layout was already complex enough for the centuries that it was defined by fixed elements, now things are becoming exponentially more complicated as layouts become increasingly adaptive.

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Device-Agnostic Approach to Responsive Web Design

This is a different take on Responsive Web design. This article discusses how we can better embrace what the Web is about by ignoring the big elephant in the room; that is, how we can rely on media queries and breakpoints without any concern for devices.

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What's New for Designers, March 2012

The February edition of what’s new for web designers and developers by Webdesigner Depot includes new web apps, frameworks, jQuery plugins, icons, productivity tools, responsive design resources, and some really great new fonts. Many of the resources below are free or very low cost, and are sure to be useful to a lot of designers and developers out there.

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How to Make the Facebook Like Box Responsive

In this tutorial we'll discus how to integrate the Facebook like box into the sidebar and make it responsive. As it uses an iFrame, it has to have a set pixel width and that means it won’t behave how we want it to as it can’t grow or shrink. Turns out, there’s an easy solution with a bit of CSS and a div to enclose the iFrame.

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