connecting to sql using Dreamweaver

February 3, 2004 by David Lash

I was having the same problem you were having with connecting to the SQL server.  I, too, am new to using ASP.NET, making even some of the easy things seem hard.  Here is how I finally figured it out:

1.  Setup a DSN on the remote server

2.  Then, In Your Application pane, go to Databases (which you probably already knew)

2.  Click on the OLE DB Connection

3.  For the Connection String box (see box below), type in your dsn, with the syntax of . . .


4.  Click OK and it should work . . . mine did anyway.


Hope this helps.

David Lash,

ASP VB - Connection to SQL SERVER

February 17, 2004 by John McConnell

Okay... this looks like might work for me as well...

As I am new to using DB on a sql server, i have had problems with connecting using a standard ASP VB page, but found that using a VB page MAY be the key.  If anyone knows why, or how to setup a ASP VB page with a OLE DB Connection, could you please let me know. 

Thanks, John