Free! - Mini-review and competition of Blog Design Solutions

Blogging has moved rapidly from being a craze to become a core feature of the Internet—from individuals sharing their thoughts with the world via online diaries, through fans talking about their favorite sports teams or music, right up to serious business minds discussing industry futures.


And that includes you, right? If you haven't got a blog already, you want to start one, and want to find out how. If you have already got one, you want to know how to customize it, and make it look cooler than everybody else’s. In either case, this is the ideal book for you.

In this book, a team of renowned web designers take you through the ins and outs of putting together great blogs. They waste no time harking on about the philosophy of blogs, or the community behind them. Instead, they get straight to the practical details, showing how to set up a basic blog in some of the world's most popular blogging engines – Movable Type, ExpressionEngine, WordPress, and Textpattern. With your blog set up, they then show you how to build great looking, usable layouts for your blog. The last chapter even shows you how to build your very own PHP/MySQL-based blog engine!

With this book in hand, you’ll have found your way to blog heaven in no time!

Summary of contents:

  • Chapter 1: The "Web Log"
  • Chapter 2: Creating a Local Test Environment for Your Blog
  • Chapter 3: Movable Type
  • Chapter 4: ExpressionEngine
  • Chapter 5: WordPress
  • Chapter 6: Textpattern
  • Chapter 7: Write Your Own Blog Engine

Who is this book for?

This book is mainly for users that are new to blogging, as this book helps you to install and use the most popular blogging systems that are available today (MovableType, ExpressionEngine, WordPress, and Textpattern). Intermediate and advance users might find the last chapter interesting as it explains how to write your own blog engine.


This book is essential for anyone that wants to start a blog. The only downside of the book is that is missing in depth information and a comparison between the different blog systems that are used. That being said, the book helps you with every other aspect that you need to know of. It shows you how to setup of your local test environment and explains the most popular blog systems to date. And if they don't satisfy you the book even explains how to write your own blog engine.


The friendly people of Friends of ED are giving away 5 books. All you need to do, to enter the competition is; download the extract (press read more and then download sample PDF on your right)and answer the following question:

  • Movable Type contains some static files and images that you don't want to pass to the CGI? What's the name of this directory?

Send your answer to this e-mail address, before Thursday the 22nd of June 2006. Don't forget to include your post address and phone number (required for international shipping) in the e-mail.

Good Luck!


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