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Server Side

Intergrating Python as default IIS interpreter for server side markup

Can inline markup of VB be seamlessly replaced with that of Python, given config changes are made both to IIS and DMX? Are there any IIS, Application features, Objects, Methods/Properties commonly used by VB which python would be incapabile of also utilising?

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Deleting multiple records from MySQL using PHP and MX

I would like to know how to do this if anyone could be so kind?

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.ASP to Fax

Help! is there any pointer available to provide the users of my website the ability to fax directly from a populated .ASp page? I have developed forms that have a stationary component that differs for every user based on session variables and .sql integration. I want to provide a button that allows direct fax to a machine. Tracking would be important, expecially if ther is a cost per fax page by using a third party.  Basically I am looking for a way to provide a html form that incorporates .asp elements and sends to the fax number the user provides. A confirmation page would be great too.

Any pointer is appreciated.


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Linking in frames

I want to link from a button in top frame, to a site in a center frame, tia... Read More

Dreamweaver and JSP

How to access JSP with Dreamweaver. Most of the books and tutorials out there talks about using ASP with Dreamweaver. I need to know how to use JSP and JavaBeans with Dreamweaver. Can anyone please point me out in the right direction, may be it is a book or an online article or something. I am a new user of Dreamweaver and I am having difficulty working with the JSP/JavaBeans architecture with Dreamweaver.

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