Flash Album Generator Online Help

Ever wanted to have a nifty flash gallery for all your photos? With the Flash Album Generator you can do that quickly and easy! This extension will resize your photos with Fireworks, create thumbnails and put them in an amazing Flash Album. The album is generated from Dreamweaver within a few clicks! All your photo’s will be displayed online instantly in a cool Flash Photo Viewer that is fully customizable to your site design.

This manual explains the features and how to use the Flash Album Generator extension.



In this paragraph we give a short overview of the features of the Flash Album Generator extension;

  • Title: Use this field to specify the title of the Image Gallery.
  • TextColor: If you’d like you can change the color of title and caption text. You can use the color picker or enter a hexadecimal color value.
  • FrameColor: Use this property to change the color of image frame, viewed icon, load bars and thumbnail arrows. You can use the color picker or enter a hexadecimal color value.
  • FrameWidth: Enter the width of the image frame (border) in pixels.
  • StagePadding: Enter the StagePadding to specify the distance between image and thumbnails in pixels.
  • Source Images Folder: The source images folder specifies the source folder of your photo’s. This can be any folder on your local hard drive or network drive;
  • Destination Folder: The Destination Folder specifies the folder where the photo album and the resized images are stored. You need to upload this folder to you web server;
  • Thumbnail format: adjust this parameter to determine the quality vs. image size options for the thumbnails
  • Photo format: adjust this value to determine the quality vs. image size options for the photo’s;
  • Max image dimension: The maximum dimensions of the selected picture (full size photo);
  • Background color: The color of the background of your album.

On the next page is a screenshot of the general layout of the extension.

  • thumbnailRows: Enter the number of rows that are used to display the thumbnails.
  • thumbnailColumns: Enter the number of columns that are used to display the thumbnails.

  • navPosition: This option sets the position of the thumbnails relative to image. You can select "top", "bottom","left" or "right".



  • navDirection: This option sets the direction of navigation. You can choose from Left to Right or Right to Left


Another Great Product

July 21, 2005 by John Ashton
Great extension George - thanks. What would make this really - really useful would be if we had the ability to include some descriptive text that gets displayed along with the enlargement. 

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