Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator Manual

May 18, 2016
Dynamic Radio Buttons in Update Record Form
Dynamic Radio Buttons in Update Record Form

With this movie we will show you how to add dynamic radio buttons in an update record form using Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator.

Step by Step

We will show you how to add dynamic radio buttons in an update record form using Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator. In our Creating Update Record form tutorial you learned how to create an update record form. The steps here are the same, so make sure to check it first if you haven't done this already. As the update record form tutorial explains we need two different action files - one for listing the products and another one for the update. We created them already. The only difference now is, that we need another query for the dynamic radio buttons. So click the action files, which returns your database records (1). Right click the database connection step. And add a new database query (2). Add a name for this query (3). And setup its options (4). Select the table, which you need to use for your dynamic radio buttons and add it to the selected tables list (5).

then, save your action file (1). We already setup the repeat and detail regions which we need on our page. This is also explained in the creating update record form tutorial, so please check it first. Click inside the detail region (2). Select the query, which returns your records from the database the same one, that you used, in order to create the repeat region. And select bootstrap 3 form, from the bind to menu. then click insert (3).

Select the form field, which needs to show the dynamic radio buttons (1). And change its type to - radio (2). Now, click the dynamic value button, for the repeat (3).

And select the query, which returns your radio buttons data, that we created earlier. then click the ok button.

Select dynamic data, for the radio button titles. Select a data binding, in your radio buttons query. And click ok.

do the same for the radio button values. Select a binding and click OK. Click the OK button, when you are done. the only thing left now is to create the executor for the update record server action. This has already been explained in the creating update record form tutorial so we won't show it again. Now let's preview the results. you can see that, clicking on different products, changes the radio button values. That's how easy it is to create dynamic radio buttons, using bootstrap 3 dynamic form generator.