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Google Sitemap Generator 2 Support Product Page


Can't install Googlesitemap201.mxp on MacBookPro OX10.64

Asked 07 Apr 2012 10:49:51
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07 Apr 2012 10:49:51 ANDREW CARNIE posted:
Can't install Googlesitemap201.mxp CS5 Extension manager message 'This extension can't be installed requires Dreamweaver 7 or greater.


Replied 07 Apr 2012 17:23:25
07 Apr 2012 17:23:25 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Andrew and welcome to DMXZone support forum.

Please take a look at the following F.A.Q:

When installing an exension I get a message: wrong version of DW - version 7 or higher is required

Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 10 Apr 2012 16:38:10
10 Apr 2012 16:38:10 ANDREW CARNIE replied:
Thanks I have looked at this, there seems to dsome truth in it I have an older extension manager for Dreamweaver MX 2004. I can install the GoogleSitemap2.01.mxp ito this, but can't use it. But I cannot install it in to CS5.
Interstingly in the Adobe Extension manager for CS5 under products DreamweaveCS5 does not appear. Is this right, how can i get it there?
Should I delete the old MX2004 extension manager. I don't use this version of Dreamweaver any more and in fact don't have it on my computer.

Thanks and best Andrew Carnie
Replied 11 Apr 2012 07:43:25
11 Apr 2012 07:43:25 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Andrew

You need to associate the extension install file with extension manager CS5, if you want to work with DW CS5.

If the extension don't appear in the user interface:

Please make sure your Workspace Layout is set to "Designer", then look for the DMXzone submenu in the insert bar, which appears. Look at the following screenshot for more information:

Regards: Vulcho.

The following F.A.Q. also will be helpful:

How to install extensions from DMXzone

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