Google Sitemap Generator 2 Support Product Page

Web Pages not listed correctly in sitemap.xml

Asked 25 Feb 2015 01:01:24
have this question
25 Feb 2015 01:01:24 David Slentz posted:
I am having these problems:
(1) If I browse for my home page (index.php), and select it, I am told that it resides outside of my directory, but index.php resides in the root directory of my website.

(2) If I type index.php for the home page, and use Auto Discovery, it adds index.php to the list of Sitemap Pages, but it does not find and add the other pages of my website.

(3) If I use Add a Folder (subfolder for many of my webpages is /1/ ), it will add the web pages of that subfolder, but it lists them like this ---> 1wedidit.php, 1wedoit.php, 1contact.html..... (the "1" should be a directory reference!) and in sitemap.xml they show up like this: <loc>1wedidit.php</loc>

(4) If I use Add New URL, it adds them to the Sitemap Pages list like this: 1/wedoit.php, 1/wedidit.php.... ... and in the sitemap.xml, they are listed like this: <loc>1/wedoit.php</loc>, <loc>1/wedidit.php</loc>

So none of these will work to create my sitemap properly... What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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