Fish Eye Menu Support Product Page


Can not uninstall fish eye menu to install the new update

Reported 01 Nov 2012 20:13:51
has this problem
01 Nov 2012 20:13:51 manuel pinto posted:
Got extension manager; windows 8 64bit; dreamweaver CS6. Can not uninstall fish eye menu to install the new update. Maybe because recently extension manager update??


Replied 02 Nov 2012 07:21:27
02 Nov 2012 07:21:27 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Manuel.

Can you describe a little bit more detailed?
How exactly runs the uninstall and where it fails ?

Replied 02 Nov 2012 09:41:35
02 Nov 2012 09:41:35 manuel pinto replied:
First, it shows the UAC adobe binary file authorization, which with the others it don't show ... i click "continue" and the it starts removing and stop presenting a warning and saying that the file .../../about.png was busy and to close the aplication that is using the directory and to try again. This only hapen with this extension. If you need i can sent some screenshots
Replied 02 Nov 2012 10:19:28
02 Nov 2012 10:19:28 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Manuel,

Can you please installing the new version without uninstalling the old one to see if there are any error messages?
Replied 02 Nov 2012 10:36:19
02 Nov 2012 10:36:19 manuel pinto replied:
I try to install over the old one but the message is the same: file ".../../about.png was busy and to close the aplication that is using the directory and to try again"
Replied 02 Nov 2012 20:48:58
02 Nov 2012 20:48:58 manuel pinto replied:
Just delete the extension from the directory and install the new one updated and it works!

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