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Commas in file paths stored in database

Asked 17 Aug 2011 22:16:30
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17 Aug 2011 22:16:30 Peter Wiseman posted:
I’ve just installed Multi Uploader into the CMS of a site which contains a number of database driven Flash image galleries.


The Flash galleries are ‘driven’ by XML files dynamically created from a recordset.

Unfortunately I have to include the path to the folder containing the images in the database with each image’s filename e.g. ‘Gallery/image-000.jpg’.

I thought I’d be able to append the path to the filename in the hidden field called ‘Filedata’ like so: ‘Gallery/<%= pau.Fields("Filedata".FileName %>’.

It does work, but a comma is inserted into the database field between the path and the filename e.g. ‘Gallery/,image-000.jpg’. This obviously prevents the XML file from loading images into the galleries.

Any thoughts?


Replied 29 Aug 2011 11:05:50
29 Aug 2011 11:05:50 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Peter,

What about setting the "Gallery" as hard-coded path in the XML generation script?

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