Advanced Tooltips Support Product Page


Tooltip box is just square, not like advertised

Asked 23 Aug 2011 23:00:59
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23 Aug 2011 23:00:59 CONNIE GONDEK posted:
I purchased this because of what I saw in the description, it showed the message boxes as being fancy like a popup bubble but all I get is a square box. Is this available? Overall I like the product but am unhappy with the plain look. You can see mine at and to the right where I have hover over is when the tooltip appears.

I could have accomplished the same thing with the spry tooltip that came with dreamweaver for FREE


Replied 29 Aug 2011 11:14:53
29 Aug 2011 11:14:53 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Connie,

You have a reset css statementin your hunters.css file that is messing up with the css of the tooltips. Please, remove some elements from this reset statement like td, div and span.

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