Advanced Tooltips Support Product Page

In progress

Minor tooltip issue

Reported 16 Feb 2014 04:34:20
has this problem
16 Feb 2014 04:34:20 Brad Lawryk posted:
I love how this extension works! However the first tooltip always comes in from the top left of the page and the rest work properly. Is this the way it is suppose to work?


Replied 17 Feb 2014 10:09:41
17 Feb 2014 10:09:41 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Brad,
Can you please tell us which browser are you having this issue with?
Replied 17 Feb 2014 17:39:29
17 Feb 2014 17:39:29 Brad Lawryk replied:
All of them ;-)

I was just curious if there was a way to stop that. Either way it is not a deal breaker. Just curious as to why the first tooltip only comes in from the upper left.

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