Universal Data Exporter ASP Support Product Page

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9' on Excel export

Asked 14 Mar 2012 19:26:52
has this question
14 Mar 2012 19:26:52 Paolo Cognetti posted:
hello folk
Sorry for my poor english
I've this problem with UDE

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/inc/marketing/ScriptLibrary/dmxDataExporter.asp, line 918

I cannot send you an access to the page, it is on a very protected server and the application works in intranet If it is useful I can send you the source page
Thanks Paolo


Replied 15 Mar 2012 07:19:24
15 Mar 2012 07:19:24 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Paolo.

Did you applied some filters to your recordset ?

Regards: Vulcho.
Replied 15 Mar 2012 07:28:04
15 Mar 2012 07:28:04 Paolo Cognetti replied:
Hello Vulcho
This is my RS


Dim RSProve
Dim RSProve_cmd
Dim RSProve_numRows

Set RSProve_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command"
RSProve_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_HondaProveMoto_STRING
RSProve_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM prove_modelli WHERE codice_conc LIKE ? AND modello_prova LIKE ? AND cognome LIKE ? AND provincia LIKE ? AND anno LIKE ?"
RSProve_cmd.Prepared = true
RSProve_cmd.Parameters.Append RSProve_cmd.CreateParameter("param1", 200, 1, 255, RSProve__MMParamDealerCode) ' adVarChar
RSProve_cmd.Parameters.Append RSProve_cmd.CreateParameter("param2", 200, 1, 255, RSProve__MMParamModello) ' adVarChar
RSProve_cmd.Parameters.Append RSProve_cmd.CreateParameter("param3", 200, 1, 255, RSProve__MMParamCognome) ' adVarChar
RSProve_cmd.Parameters.Append RSProve_cmd.CreateParameter("param4", 200, 1, 255, RSProve__MMParamProvincia) ' adVarChar
RSProve_cmd.Parameters.Append RSProve_cmd.CreateParameter("param5", 200, 1, 255, RSProve__MMParamAnno) ' adVarChar

Set RSProve = RSProve_cmd.Execute
RSProve_numRows = 0

Thanks Paolo
Replied 15 Mar 2012 07:38:33
15 Mar 2012 07:38:33 Paolo Cognetti replied:
I use "LIKE" because in the "param" there's the SQL char "%" force search part of string
Replied 15 Mar 2012 08:13:38
15 Mar 2012 08:13:38 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Paolo,

Please, provide more information on the way you set up the UDE - Are you setting it up as a Server Behavipr or as Behavior?
Can you provide a sample data of what you are trying to export? And in what format you are trying to export -xls, pdf, csv?
Also provide the file to my e-mail:


M. Zografski.
Replied 15 Mar 2012 11:51:24
15 Mar 2012 11:51:24 Paolo Cognetti replied:
OK miro i've send the info and the example files
Replied 15 Mar 2012 13:09:30
15 Mar 2012 13:09:30 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Paolo,
thanks, will check on them.

Replied 22 Mar 2012 16:59:07
22 Mar 2012 16:59:07 Paolo Cognetti replied:
hello Miro
do you have some news for me?
Replied 19 Apr 2012 12:07:11
19 Apr 2012 12:07:11 Paolo Cognetti replied:
Why this problem is "answered", were is the solution?

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