DMXzone Paginator PHP Support Product Page

Problem with redirect page

Asked 25 May 2009 19:04:02
has this question
25 May 2009 19:04:02 Marzio Gialinà posted:
I have a Paginator in my page (../ita/index.php?mod=news)
where with mod include is opened the page news (../ita/pages/news.php)

When i click on the paginator button the redirect is:

But is incorrect, because the correct is:

Where I can to correct the problem?


Replied 28 May 2009 15:54:32
28 May 2009 15:54:32 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Marzio,

Can you provide a link to a test page to demonstrate the issue?
Specify on which page your Paginator is placed - on included one or on main one.

Replied 28 May 2009 23:36:26
28 May 2009 23:36:26 Marzio Gialinà replied:
The problem is this:

I have the page in directory ../ita/index.php
but inside with include there is another page from directory ../ita/pages/news.php

When open the page -> ../ita/index.php?mod=news
we have inside the page ../ita/pages/news.php

The paginator is in this second page - when click another page of paginator the function go to ../ita/pages/index.php?mod=news&.......
But is not correct, because the correct is -> ..ita/index.php?mod=news&.....

the correct path is the path of principal page and not the path of secondary page.

// DMXzone Paginator PHP 1.0.0
$pag1 = new dmxPaginator();
$pag1->recordsetName = "RsData";
$pag1->rowsTotal = $totalRows_RsData;
$pag1->showNextPrev = true;
$pag1->showFirstLast = true;
$pag1->outerLinks = 1;
$pag1->adjacentLinks = 2;
$pag1->rowsPerPage = $maxRows_RsData;
$pag1->prevLabel = "‹";
$pag1->nextLabel = "›";
$pag1->firstLabel = "‹‹";
$pag1->lastLabel = "››";
Replied 29 May 2009 15:30:39
29 May 2009 15:30:39 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Marzio,

I've tested something simmilar to your case here is the include code for my news page:

if isset($_GET["news"] == 1){
} else {
	echo "no news";

so to have the include I got :


and when i use paginator the url is changing as well :


So for me it works.
Please, provide your include so i can test it.

Replied 30 May 2009 03:06:05
30 May 2009 03:06:05 Marzio Gialinà replied:

I have not understood where I must insert the code.

when the page is opened (path ../ita)
in this page is included another page (path ../ita/pages)

The include code is made with DW Extension Adobe Developer Toolbox - Include from list.

The problem is that the paginator is inserted in 2° page (with path ../ita/pages), but in order to change the page it is necessary redirect to 1° page (with path ../ita)

The Paginator is in 2° page and the code use the path from this page.
I would want to be able to change the redirect.
Replied 01 Jun 2009 13:56:43
01 Jun 2009 13:56:43 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Marzio,

Well, referring to your first post you have placed the Paginator in the included file with path ../ita/pages/ and preview that file in ../ita/index.php when variable "mod" is equal to "news". So I did the same. I placed a file with Paginator in subfolder and included it in a file in my root folder. Must to mention here that the ScriptLibrary, PaginationStyles and styles folders are placed in my site root. And that test was successful for me. Please, provide here the code of both pages - index.php and news.php or pack them in a zip or rar and send them to

Replied 21 May 2011 21:41:02
21 May 2011 21:41:02 Serhat ALPASLAN replied:
i have same problem too. i put paginator on /plugins/users/users.php

i include users.php to index.php which is the site root

and paginator links are:


but that is incorrect. there is no index.php on this location. indexp.php file is correct but path is wrong. path is must /index.php not /plugins/users/index.php. i want to be:


is there any solution?

Edited by - Serhat ALPASLAN on 21 May 2011  21:47:01

Edited by - Serhat ALPASLAN on 21 May 2011  21:51:56

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