Ajax Event Calendar Support Product Page
description not showing
Asked 11 Feb 2014 08:10:21
has this question
11 Feb 2014 08:10:21 jeff collins posted:
I have two issues with the calendar1: the description field does not show anywhere, even in day view unless the event is spread over two days - it looks like there is not enough space to display it so how can I alter the space allowed
2: I wanted to use/link other dmx extensions but when I click the link on the calendar I get an error - I have looked for this file but cannot find it
"at line 585 of file c:\drive_programs\dreamweaverCS6\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6\Configuration\dmxBehaviours.htm": GetDocumentDOM:Arguement number 1 is invalid
I also get other DMX errors like this but seem to have no dmx htm files that I can see
please help!!