Online Page Editor Add-on Support Product Page
Log on only
Asked 08 Oct 2011 05:04:03
has this question
08 Oct 2011 05:04:03 Dave Edwards posted:
Hi,on this site I can log on but the pencil doesn't show up. I set up a test div to edit.
Can any one see why it won't work for me, I see the script is in the source code calling the test div.
Replied 08 Oct 2011 06:15:29
08 Oct 2011 06:15:29 Dave Edwards replied:
Sorry this is the correct link
Replied 02 Nov 2011 21:36:57
02 Nov 2011 21:36:57 Dave Edwards replied:
Nearly a month and no reply, left a message on Live support and no reply.
Maybe it seem's a dumb question but a reply would have been helpful.
All I want to know is the correct way to tag div's to get the script to bring up the editor.
I can only get Dreamweaver editable regions to work on a test site.
Very easy to buy an extension not so easy to get support![
Maybe it seem's a dumb question but a reply would have been helpful.
All I want to know is the correct way to tag div's to get the script to bring up the editor.
I can only get Dreamweaver editable regions to work on a test site.
Very easy to buy an extension not so easy to get support
Replied 03 Nov 2011 11:12:03
03 Nov 2011 11:12:03 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Dave,
You are trying to edit an editable region "test" and the div container in your code is:
The editor requires only ID to be applied on the div:
You are trying to edit an editable region "test" and the div container in your code is:
<div class='test'>t</div>
The editor requires only ID to be applied on the div:
<div id="test">t</div>