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Page Editor Background color

Asked 08 May 2012 03:41:13
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08 May 2012 03:41:13 Eugene Nichols posted:
I have a background color set in my main style sheet under body tag. The editor is picking up that background color when it shows the content of my div tag edit region. I tried setting bgcolor in the jquery statement (see below) and still no luck. How can I fix this?

{editDreamweaverRegions:false, editableRegionsList:"ca-law", securityMethod:"login", editorConfig:{bgColor:"#FFFFFF",allowUpload:true, uploadPath:"images/uploaded", allowResize:true, extensions:["path_browser", "resizer"]}}

I did figure out that in my main style sheet I cannot have * {margin:0; Padding:0) set because it strips all formatting in the editor! I also figured out that the editor only sees classes and not ids for the styles in the pull down box. Now I just have to get the background color back to white so it is easier to edit.

Regards.. Eugene


Replied 08 May 2012 06:06:26
08 May 2012 06:06:26 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

About the background color issue: Can you please provide a link to your page?

About the classes/id question - of course you can only select ONLY CSS Classes. Imagine that the user needs to have more than one text link with a class "blueLink" that you specified in the CSS. If this was an id - this can't be done as in HTML it is not allowed to have several elements with a same id on your page.
Replied 08 May 2012 07:34:01
08 May 2012 07:34:01 Terry Knol replied:
Hi Teodor
Fixed by adding " -color" to background in the body tag and also !important. Just a slight variation from what I read but it has worked. Sorry for troubling you.

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