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Online Page Editor Add-on Support Product Page

While executing onLoad in dmxPageEditor.htm, a javascript error occured

Reported 03 Jan 2013 12:12:58
has this problem
03 Jan 2013 12:12:58 Hans Bergstrom posted:
In DW3 after set up the online editor I recieve this message when clicking on Online editor icon for target web page I get this error.
(Editing the web page with ctrl+shift+@ doesn't show any login pop up.)


The page code:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../Styles/dmxPageEditor.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ScriptLibrary/jquery-latest.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ScriptLibrary/require.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ScriptLibrary/dmxPageEditor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* dmxPageEditor name "dmxPageEditorGlobals" */
{"toJSONString": , "editDreamweaverRegions": false, "editableRegionsList": "content-change", "securityMethod": "login", "actionUrl": "dmxPageEditor.aspx", "currentPage": "/indexnew.html", "editorConfig": {"allowUpload": true, "uploadPath": "images", "allowResize": true, "resizeMaxWidth": 300, "resizeMaxHeight": 200, "includeCss": "style.css", "formatterSettings": {"toJSONString": }, "toolbars": {"History": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Text": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Format": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Lists": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Table": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Insert": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Search": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Font": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Style": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "Common": {"items": {"toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }, "toJSONString": }}

/* END dmxPageEditor name "dmxPageEditorGlobals" */


Replied 03 Jan 2013 14:22:57
03 Jan 2013 14:22:57 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Hans.
Had you added manualy any custom coding to the javascript generated by te extension?
Did you tried clearing Dreamweaver cache file ?
Clearing Dreamweaver's cache
Can you provide me with link to the whole page with the editor where i can inspect the code for any conflicts ?

Replied 03 Jan 2013 19:03:47
03 Jan 2013 19:03:47 Hans Bergstrom replied:
the DreamWeaver cashe was empty.
In the error log for IE I found:
script error in the parameter row for jQuery:
seems not like the first toJSONString: ,
Deleted the element and got then another script error in same jQuery, for the formatterSettings: {toJSONString: }

The other fault I got was Logg: FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init().

Regards: Hans

Now it's very urgent to get a solution.
The script error:
script438: Property or method dmxPageEditor not supported by object.
{"editDreamweaverRegions": false, "editableRegionsList": "contentchange", "securityMethod": "login", "currentPage": "/public_html/indexnew.html"}

Forget about the FB errors

Regards Hans

Did find the problem:
The file sources was installed in wrong map in server.
Swedish keyboard did not accept the ctrl+shift+@
Did use ctr+f2

Regards Hans
Replied 17 Jan 2013 15:13:31
17 Jan 2013 15:13:31 Hans Bergstrom replied:
Well, even if I did solve a part of this problem. This is not solved regards to the javascript error.
There is still problems in the jQuery parameter file as is created from the Online Page Editor Add-on.
Every time I add or change a add-on function in the Advanced HTML Editor 3, it throw out this junk parameter file with a javascript error as the result.
Every 'toJSONString:' gives this JS error.
It's annoying to have a licensed DMX product and have to make changes to get it working.
Is it not tested or do DMX expect customer to test it out?

This is the first product I bought from DMX and the result is not good.

Your frustrated customer
Hans Bergstrom
Replied 22 Jul 2013 10:13:55
22 Jul 2013 10:13:55 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Hans,

I know it was been awhile, however the problem was really tough to be recreated and investigated. Finally it appears that when and if you have extensions installed from a vendor named Extend Studio that leads to the issue you have experienced. Removing that vendor extensions solves the problem. Appears that they overwrite some core DW files ( something strongly unwanted ) and there comes the issue with any other vendor that relies on those files to be as provided from Adobe.


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