DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page


Latitude Longitude

Asked 01 Jul 2011 00:01:51
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01 Jul 2011 00:01:51 Denis Hoffmann posted:
Hi there,

thanks for that great extension and specially that feature .

Now my question, is it somehow possible to use the change adress to latitude/longitude before I past my adress into the database?

For example I got a form for adresses. And before I store the adresse the extension creates the latitude /longitude and this will be stored in the database, too.

Is there a way to do that? Or can this be done dynamicly in the extension?



Replied 01 Jul 2011 10:48:12
01 Jul 2011 10:48:12 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Denis,

Unfortunately the extension cannot be used to convert the addresses dynamically.

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