DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page


Address accuracy

Asked 18 Jul 2011 14:44:21
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18 Jul 2011 14:44:21 Stephen Cannon posted:
I have found that typing in an address often postions the marker well away from the actual location of the real location of a facility. This occurs even when I convert the address to latitude and longitude

I know this happens with Google as well but they allow you to repostion the marker manually when you map your facility.

Can this be done now or in the future. I map the location of wineries and I want my viewers to see the actual Google satelite image as well as diretions?
Edited by - Stephen Cannon on 20 Jul 2011  03:55:56


Replied 25 Jul 2011 08:32:07
25 Jul 2011 08:32:07 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Stephen,

Our Extension uses the service provided by Google. What happens when you search this address in Can you please provide an example of such an "wrong" address?

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