DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page
What's the function of the "Title" field?
Asked 29 Jul 2011 13:29:09
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29 Jul 2011 13:29:09 gary vey posted:
I don't understand the function of the "Title" field under the address field in the "General" tab. Where does this appear? It doesn't appear at all. I would expect this to appear as a headline in the Info box ... Replies
Replied 29 Jul 2011 13:45:23
29 Jul 2011 13:45:23 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
It appears when you hover the Marker on the map. the Details field is used to show the text into the info window.
It appears when you hover the Marker on the map. the Details field is used to show the text into the info window.