DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page

Extensions do not work in CS6

Asked 28 May 2012 19:19:36
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28 May 2012 19:19:36 Serge S posted:
Hi. I purchased Dreamweaver CS6
All of your extensions (except Nivo Slider) do not work. For ex.: When I go to "Insert - DMX Zone - DMX tabs" - nothing happens. The same for your other extensions.
I can only open files where extensions has been Inserted under Dreamweaver SC5.

Please help with this issue.

Thank you.


Replied 28 May 2012 20:10:50
28 May 2012 20:10:50 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Serge,

The extensions are not supposed to be inserted through the Insert Top Menu, but from the Insert Bar (click Window > Insert to enable it)
Replied 01 Jun 2012 03:17:46
01 Jun 2012 03:17:46 Rick Heidrick replied:
Just an added note - I too am using DW CS6 and I found another glitch when using the Google Map extension - you have to remove the double quotes from around specific areas of the Function:

The system places this code on the page (and throws a nasty error complaining about jquery.gmap.min.js):

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
{"width": 500, "zoom": 8, "markers": [{"latitude": 57.068120, "longitude": -111.919177, "html": "Suncor Dover lease in the Athabasca, near Fort McKay, Alberta.", "title": "Suncor Dover Lease"}], "scrollwheel": false, "maptype": "hybrid"}
// ]]>

I spent hours trying to figure out a fix - and then I looked at the code in the sample in the DMXZone website and noticed the missing double quotes, so the following worked perfectly:

<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
{width: 500, zoom: 8, markers: [{"latitude": 57.068120, "longitude": -111.919177, html: "Suncor Dover lease in the Athabasca, near Fort McKay, Alberta.", title: "Suncor Dover Lease"}], scrollwheel: false, maptype: "hybrid"}
// ]]>

Also, Google Map API Keys are no longer required and can not be created at Google.
Replied 01 Jun 2012 08:29:03
01 Jun 2012 08:29:03 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Rick,

The code that is generated by DMXzone Google Maps should not be changed/edited.
What i mean is "maptype": "hybrid" is correct.

About the Map Api key - we do not use it in our extension.
Replied 01 Jun 2012 16:36:16
01 Jun 2012 16:36:16 Rick Heidrick replied:
Hi Teodor,

I mentioned the key only because when I first opened the extension window it shows a field for a "Key".

If you go to you can see in the source that I removed the extra double quotes to match your own code in your sample and the page works... if I use the code created by the extension it doesn't (for both IE and Chrome). I don't know if that is a problem becuase of the other blocks of code on the page or not but I did get it working and that makes the clients happy!

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