DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page


Map not showing. Conflict with slideshow?

Asked 16 Jul 2013 18:32:07
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16 Jul 2013 18:32:07 Ann Daman posted:
I have had conflicts before with other Java on pages, but now the Map does not show up and the only potential conflict is a slideshow on the same page. How can I have both?

Here's the link to the test page I'm working on:


Replied 17 Jul 2013 08:12:14
17 Jul 2013 08:12:14 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Ann,

As it seems maps are showing on your page correctly. Tested in FF, Chrome, IE and Safari.

Replied 17 Jul 2013 16:43:20
17 Jul 2013 16:43:20 Ann Daman replied:
Isn't that always the way? I don't know what I did, but now it's showing just fine.

Are there any known conflicts with other Java scripts? Any way to test that?
Replied 18 Jul 2013 07:24:51
18 Jul 2013 07:24:51 Miroslav Zografski replied:
Hello Ann,

There are some cases, but they are not common at all. Test can be done by adding the map on a clean page and then start adding the rest js scripts one by one.


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