DMXzone Google Maps Support Product Page

Under investigation

IE11, lightbox, issue with jquery-latest.pack.js

Reported 12 Dec 2013 10:11:15
have this problem
12 Dec 2013 10:11:15 Michele - posted:
I've a problem with a Google Maps generated from your extension and the last IE11 browser (only with this browser)... The issue is visible only when I open the page in a lightbox window, that included a google map.

These are the errors registered in IE 11's development console:

SCRIPT438: Object doesn't support property or method 'attachEvent'
   File: jquery-latest.pack.js, Line: 4, Column: 12122

   SCRIPT5009: 'jQuery' is undefined
   File: dmxGoogleMaps.js, Line: 7, Column: 2

   SCRIPT5009: 'jQuery' is undefined
   File: where.php, Line: 17, Column: 2

If I change your jquery-latest.pack.js file, with that downloaded from jQuery website instead works good.

Now I've changed the file but I would like to use your package full (otherwise, every time that I update the map your extension restore your file).

Any ideas to resolve the issue?


Replied 12 Dec 2013 15:17:32
12 Dec 2013 15:17:32 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Michele,

Please provide a link to your page, where we can check the issue.
Replied 12 Dec 2013 16:45:14
12 Dec 2013 16:45:14 Michele - replied:
Hi Teo... I’ve created two pages to test the issue with IE11 (click on the image in the middle right on the page, with the text "dove siamo” ).

In the first, works good because I’ve changed your “jquery-latest.pack.js” with original jQuery file (1.10.2):

In the second, is present your “jquery-latest.pack.js” and not works with IE11 (lightbox with all content white):

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