Google Maps Directions Add-on Support Product Page


getPosition() or watchPosition() GPS tracking

Asked 31 Jul 2012 13:51:56
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31 Jul 2012 13:51:56 jeff Napadow posted:
I was wondering how you would go about adding GPS real-time tracking? Maybe instead of getPosition() watchPosition() I just don't know how you would go about it? For instance, Google app shows your location/destination/and current location. I think that is a great feature for turn-by-turn directions. Can it be done?


Replied 31 Jul 2012 14:19:37
31 Jul 2012 14:19:37 Vulcho Vulev replied:
Hello Jeff.

You can enable such functionality of the product by clicking the checkbox: "Use Current Location" in the user interface.

Replied 02 Aug 2012 13:15:06
02 Aug 2012 13:15:06 jeff Napadow replied:
Thanks for the reply, it seems as though the checkbox "Use Current Location" uses the users current location to drop a starting point marker which utilizes the gtPosition() but I'm more interested in utilizing a real-time watchPosition() like GPS. So a marker (arrow) follows the user as they are traveling. Google maps has a little blue icon button that can be clicked for this called (Show My Location) I'm trying to figure out how to enable it in my maps.
Replied 22 Sep 2012 17:38:15
22 Sep 2012 17:38:15 Richard Kilcoyne replied:
Was this ever resolved? It appears that if "Use Current Location" is used on a mobile phone the address of the cell tower is used instead of lat/lon. Is there a way for the GPS in the phone to autopopulate the starting location?
Replied 22 Sep 2012 18:01:47
22 Sep 2012 18:01:47 Richard Kilcoyne replied:
Looking a Jeff's question I now realize that I am asking for a fix to a different issue. I'll repost this question.

However, was a solution ever figured out for this "watchPosition()" question?
Replied 31 Aug 2024 07:30:31
31 Aug 2024 07:30:31 Tammy Martin replied:
When choosing between getPosition() and watchPosition() for GPS tracking, consider your needs. getPosition() retrieves a single location snapshot, ideal for immediate positioning. watchPosition() continuously updates your location, which is useful for tracking movement over time. For more advanced GPS solutions, visit for additional insights and tools.

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