File Manager Add-on Support Product Page


Does the File Manager add-on work without Pure PHP Upload 3?

Asked 26 Feb 2015 03:11:10
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26 Feb 2015 03:11:10 Angelika R. posted:
I want to use the Advanced HTML Editor 3 and the Online Page Editor Add-on together with the File Manager Add-on. Do I need Pure PHP Upload 3 also? If yes, how are the php upload 3 settings to work with file manager add-on? In the manuals there are only options to choose a form in pure php upload 3.


Replied 26 Feb 2015 08:13:17
26 Feb 2015 08:13:17 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Angelika,
If you want to enable the file upload functionality (i.e. your users to be able to upload files to the server) in the Editor, you need to have the Pure PHP Upload 3 installed in your DW. There is no need to configure the Pure PHP Upload 3, when used in the Editor.
Pure PHP Upload 3 can also be used separately on a file upload form.
Replied 26 Feb 2015 08:19:59
26 Feb 2015 08:19:59 Angelika R. replied:
Hi Teodor,
thx for your fast reply. I am sorry, I still don't understand.
What is the difference between "upload files to the server" and "using file manager in advanced html editor"? I thought, I can upload files via advanced html editor + file manager? What sense makes the use of file manager, if I don't enable the file upload functionality?

From the file manager page, tab "Requirements":
This Extension Requires:
Advanced HTML Editor 3

So again the question: Does upload of files work without pure php upload?
Can you upload files only with file manager + advanced html editor + online page editor and without pur php uploader? (yes or no)
Replied 26 Feb 2015 08:50:57
26 Feb 2015 08:50:57 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
File Manager addon works WITHOUT Pure PHP Upload 3, but then you will only be able to browse and use files that are already on your sever. You won't be able to upload any files through the file manager.
If you wish to enable the upload functionality in the file manage addon the you need the Pure PHP Upload 3 installed in Dreamweaver.

Can you upload files only with file manager + advanced html editor + online page editor and without pur php uploader? -> NO
Replied 26 Feb 2015 08:55:13
26 Feb 2015 08:55:13 Angelika R. replied:
Okay, thank you for the clarification

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