Sliding PayPal Shopping Cart Support Product Page


cart display show and hide problem

Reported 24 Oct 2013 16:26:24
has this problem
24 Oct 2013 16:26:24 Emmanuel Bouchard posted:
When adding an item to the cart , cart goes down and ads item (normal) but when I add a second item, the cart shrinks to the top, add a third item, cart goes down and so on.This problem does not appear in your demos, Ive check your code in yhr demos and it looks like mine,

function dmxSlidingCartAction(action, data) { // v1.01
case 'addToCart':
$.dmxSlidingCart.addToCart(data || {});
case 'show':
case 'hide':
case 'toggle':


Replied 25 Oct 2013 08:18:20
25 Oct 2013 08:18:20 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Emmanuel,

Paypal expects the product add code to come from a form tag - button for example, that's why this happens when you attach the behavior on img tag.
You can just style a simple button (<button.. tag) and attach the behavior to it in order to fix this issue.
Replied 25 Oct 2013 12:39:23
25 Oct 2013 12:39:23 Emmanuel Bouchard replied:
That worked!!!! easy fix.

Dont know why, but attaching the behavior to an image worked in the first version of the sliding cart.

Thanks for the quick answer!
Replied 07 Dec 2014 18:27:15
07 Dec 2014 18:27:15 Christian Wilde replied:

I've had the same issue since I added options to my button. Teodor, when you say Paypal expects the product add code to come from a form tag, do you mean that the button code has to be inside the form tag? Does the select list have to be in the form tag as well? I've followed along with this video verbatim.

I'm not linking the behavior to an img tag but am still having this issue.

Please advise.

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