DMXzone Bootstrap Elements Support Product Page


Using the Horizontal form with Log In User Behavior

Reported 16 Sep 2013 22:21:20
has this problem
16 Sep 2013 22:21:20 Mike Hicks posted:
I am doing what (I thought) would be a simple project, but I am pulling out my hair!!!! I needed a simple log in form for a website...nothing elaborate. So I place the horizontal form on a page with the Bootstrap scaffolding. (The database was also set up....I am using Xampp for local testing). I added DW's log in user behavior....and display the form in a browser (locally) and enter a username and password. All the form does is doesnt go to the access protected page that I specified in the properties of the log-in user behavior. I have examined the tutorial I am using.....I can see nothing wrong but I never can get the log in page to work. (2 days now!) I did another page and placed a table and linked it to the database - it displays the data. I created a seperate form to add users to the database - it works! So I am thinking I must be missing something simple....I didn't change any properties in the behavior..just made sure the user name and password columns were proper and the go to page and denied page was available. Ideas anyone?


Replied 17 Sep 2013 12:15:12
17 Sep 2013 12:15:12 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

Please make sure your form and inputs have name/id applied. Please also make sure the button is set to submit.
Please provide a link to your page.
Replied 17 Sep 2013 19:09:06
17 Sep 2013 19:09:06 Mike Hicks replied:
Hello Teodor - Thanks for answering. The form has an id that I supplied. The inputs are using the default id for the form - I believe that is inputEmail and inputPassword. The button type is set at the default (Submit). I didn't change any of the defaults for the horizontal form.
I have been testing the form locally.....but moved the form to the remote server so you can access it. It still did not work on the remote server. I added a user so you can test the form. The test user is and the password is test12354. The test user should be able to access the logged in page.
The log in form is located at
Replied 18 Sep 2013 09:09:23
18 Sep 2013 09:09:23 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:

Your form and inputs do not have names, please add names attributes to them (using the same as their ids are).
Replied 18 Sep 2013 19:08:16
18 Sep 2013 19:08:16 Mike Hicks replied:
Thanks for looking at my page, Teodor. For anyone who encounters this problem, what I did was go into code view and ADD the name attribute for each of the form components making sure that the name attribute matched the ID attribute. Then the horizontal form worked as it should.

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