DMXzone Database Connector PHP Support Product Page


html content

Reported 25 Sep 2013 17:07:20
has this problem
25 Sep 2013 17:07:20 Jamie oates posted:
html content not displayed correctly.....
of course i just added my first connection and went ahead t se how i would build a cms with the plugin, adding html content to the db and then displaying it in page doesnt work correctly.
the html tags are also displayed..........

solution please?


Replied 25 Sep 2013 17:39:52
25 Sep 2013 17:39:52 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
To display it as html and not as text you need to add it like this:

<div data-binding-html="{{YourBindingName}}"></div>

This will populate the contents of the div with the data contents from your database rendered as html. Otherwise the regular binding will render it just as text.

We will make it easier to do this via the Data Bindings floater in the next update.

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