DMXzone Database Connector PHP Support Product Page

Under investigation

"First parameter must either be an object or the name of an existing class"

Reported 16 Apr 2014 01:52:28
has this problem
16 Apr 2014 01:52:28 Julio C posted:
When I test the database source, "Database Source Testing" -> View in Browser, I get this a lot of times after the data:
{"code":2,"message":"First parameter must either be an object or the name of an existing class","file":"D:\\xampp\\htdocs\\CRSys\\ScriptLibrary\\dmxDatabaseConnector\\sqlBuilder.php","line":826,"trace":null}

Could you please explain what that means within the context of the DMXzone Database Connector?


Replied 16 Apr 2014 09:02:33
16 Apr 2014 09:02:33 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Julio,
Could you please send your connection file located inside the dmxConnections folder as well as the sqlBuilder.php to ?
What version of PHP are you using?

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