DMXzone Database Connector PHP Support Product Page


I'm lost.

Asked 10 May 2014 23:58:17
have this question
10 May 2014 23:58:17 Randy Riesterer posted:
I'm trying to custom refine a displayed dataset from a database like we used to build using DW's recordset server behaviors...
e.g. ----------------------------------------
SELECT ID, StartDate, Headline, SUBSTRING_INDEX(NewsArticle, ' ', 10) AS SummaryFROM breakingnewsWHERE CurDate() >= StartDate AND CurDate() <= EndDateORDER BY StartDate DESC
Is there a tutorial that covers how to build custom SQL-like queries and implement it using your Database Connector?


Replied 12 May 2014 08:50:11
12 May 2014 08:50:11 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hello Randy,
Unfortunately it is not possible to use custom sql queries with the extension. You can use the query builder to build your query.

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