DMXzone Database Connector PHP Support Product Page

"Error parsing meta data" and corruption to DMXzone connection script

Reported 23 Jul 2015 10:30:11
have this problem
23 Jul 2015 10:30:11 Windy City posted:
Something is happening that keeps causing my connection script to become "corrupted" by the DMXzone Extension, causing all of my dependent data sources to no longer load. I have to upload a "clean" older version every time to restore functionality to my data sets.

I'm working on a site where the data sources are MySQL prepared Views. These Views have already been confirmed to work in PHPmyadmin. And many work fine already within DMXzone Database Connector. But some Views are causing problems with the Database Source Query Builder when trying to run a test on the query.

This is the error I get when trying to test the query. This query runs fine in MySQL though.

When I load this data source in the query builder, the DMXZone extension makes a background change to my connection script, causing ALL of my other dependent data sets to disappear on the pages. It's somehow corrupting the connection script.

Please see this comparison between the working connection script file and the non-working connection script. The changes were added automatically by the DMXZone extension, and this was before I clicked "Run Test" --- these changes were made by your extension when I loaded the data source into query builder!

Here is a closer look at the View in MySQL (the View is named vwProductDetail_Gallery). Again, this works fine within my database client and query builder, but causes issues in DMXzone Database Connector.

It's also causing data bindings for other data sets (many of which work fine) to disappear from the data bindings panel.

I've tried running a test and re-applying all my database connection settings, re-applied all of the data sources, but it's still causing the connection corruption issue, and having issues with some of the views. I can't figure out why.


Replied 23 Jul 2015 11:07:38
23 Jul 2015 11:07:38 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
And your connection should be working fine. The Blue code highlighted by you SHOULD be there. It contains the metadata information from your database.

There seems to be a little issue with the way Database Connection file is created.
The default bit field type value is stored in the connection file as:

Please find and replace it with

This will fix your issue. We will improve this in the upcoming update.

Replied 14 Aug 2015 23:38:09
14 Aug 2015 23:38:09 Gregg Lantz replied:
I have the same issue. Thanks for the fix.
Replied 24 Sep 2015 15:41:45
24 Sep 2015 15:41:45 Eric Ewing replied:
I am having a similar error, but cannot find where the default bit field type value would be...?
Replied 29 Sep 2015 12:50:55
29 Sep 2015 12:50:55 Teodor Kuduschiev replied:
Hi Eric,
Please send your connection file to: so i can check what is wrong there.

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