DMXzone Database Connector PHP Support Product Page

No tables found in Postgre DB, not allowing connection (tables present but in schema)

Reported 20 Apr 2016 00:35:09
have this problem
20 Apr 2016 00:35:09 User  posted:
I specifically bought this extension to connect to a Postgre database. After much playing around I’ve finally managed to get the “Database Connection OK” message come up when I test connection, however when I then hit “OK” it goes through the “Querying the database” stage and comes up with an error “No tables found in database!” and it won’t let me progress.
There are tables in the database but the nature of a PostreSQL database means that they are contained within a schema – do I need to somehow specify the schema?


Replied 05 May 2016 00:17:52
05 May 2016 00:17:52 User  replied:
Any chance I can get some support on this one guys? I've emailed several times, I've posted in here several weeks ago, I've waited online for hours for the live chat. A couple of weeks ago I received an email saying you'd contact me and still nothing - is there anyone that can help with this issue?

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